Dr Kai Chua

About Dr Kai

Dr Kai is a Specialist Paediatrician who provides care for children from birth to school-age. He graduated from the University of Melbourne and has worked in the two biggest children's hospitals in Australia - The Children's Hospital at Westmead in NSW and Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) in Victoria. He currently holds public appointments at RCH, Eastern and Northern Hospitals.

Dr Kai adopts a child-centred and family-focused approach to any problem, and is particularly passionate about helping families navigate through newborn care, common paediatric problems, and developmental concerns.

As a parent of young children, Dr Kai understands the challenges that parents face today - where readily available information and opinions are often more confusing than helpful. Outside of work, he take every opportunity to indulge in his love for sports and travel. He also speaks Mandarin Chinese.

Dr Kai welcomes referrals from all GPs, and he values his GP colleagues as part of the treating team. He consults in Box Hill on Thursdays, and is a private-billing practitioner. Medicare-eligible children will receive a rebate. Please call 9890 5999 for further information, or to make an appointment.

蔡医生是一名儿科专科医生。他擅长照顾新生儿和小孩。他会说中文; 每周在 Box Hill 看诊。想了解更多信息或想要预约, 请拨打电话号码 9890 5999查询